
Stovax Stockton 8 woodburner 8.3kw single door stove ecodesign DEFRA Exempt with integral heat shields

Stovax Stockton 8 woodburner 8.3kw single door stove ecodesign DEFRA Exempt with integral heat shields
Stovax Stockton 8 woodburner 8.3kw single door stove ecodesign DEFRA Exempt with integral heat shields

Stovax Stockton 8 woodburner 8.3kw single door stove ecodesign DEFRA Exempt with integral heat shields



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Stockton 8 Wood Burning Stove

The Ecodesign Stovax Stockton 8 wood burning stove offers an impressive 8.3kW heat output, and a choice of unique styling options. Choose from a single or two door model, the latter of which is available with a handy cast iron tool that locates over the keystone catch and then rotates to open or close the doors.

Nominal Heat Output 8.2Kw
Heat Output Range 4-11Kw
Efficiency 78%
Energy Rating A
Smoke Control Area Rated YES
12mm Hearth Compatible -
Defra Approved YES
SIA Ecodesign YES
Construction Material
Height 620mm
Width 603mm
Depth 432mm
Weight 0g
Flue Diameter 0mm
Flue Outlet Position Back or Top
Distance to Combustibles (Side) 0mm
Distance to Combustibles (Rear) 0mm
Log Length 400mm
Guarantee -
Lead Time In Stock

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