
Stovax Vogue Medium Slimline Multifuel Stove

Stovax Vogue Medium Slimline Multifuel Stove Stovax Vogue Medium Slimline Multifuel
Stovax Vogue Medium Slimline Multifuel Stove
Stovax Vogue Medium Slimline Multifuel

Stovax Vogue Medium Slimline Multifuel Stove



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Vogue Medium Slimline Multi-fuel Stove


This wide-format multi-fuel stove offers the stunning flame visuals of the more powerful Stovax Vogue Medium stove whilst maintaining a 5kW heat output, thanks to its slim depth. This stylish contemporary multi-fuel stove is capable of burning both logs or smokeless fuels to suit your lifestyle.

Presenting a stunning view of the flames, Vogue models feature a signature bevelled cast iron door with an expansive glass viewing window, kept clear by the powerful Airwash system that also aids the range’s high levels of combustion efficiency.

Available with Plinth or Midline log store base options, this modern-traditional wood burning and multi-fuel stove can be either installed into a fireplace opening or placed freestanding against a wall.


Heat shield kits can be purchased at an additional cost.

Nominal Heat Output 5Kw
Heat Output Range 2.5-7Kw
Efficiency 79%
Energy Rating A
Smoke Control Area Rated YES
12mm Hearth Compatible YES
Defra Approved YES
SIA Ecodesign YES
Construction Material Hybrid (Cast Iron and Steel)
Height 624mm
Width 525mm
Depth 363mm
Weight 98kg
Flue Diameter 128mm
Flue Outlet Position Back or Top
Distance to Combustibles (Side) 350mm
Distance to Combustibles (Rear) 500mm
Log Length 400mm
Guarantee 5 years
Lead Time In Stock

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